About Death Chapel

Rooted in the heart of Gothenburg, Sweden, Death Chapel is a young band on the rise. Established in the autumn of 2021, the band has since then released two EPs and two singles. Drawing inspiration from the iconic "Gothenburg sound" and influenced by the likes of In Flames, At The Gates, and Gojira, the music is a fusion of melodic, death, groove, and progressive metal. With a distinct touch, the band aims to incorporate innovative elements into their music, paving the way for the future of Gothenburg death metal. Their music is a glimpse into the twisted and sick minds of its members.


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Wictor Berestål

Born in the depths of the mountains surrounded by primordial steel he fashioned those metals into strings. Breaking his way out of the dark stone with a riff so metal it cracked the mountain in half he now found himself free. Wictor then built a boat using his own hair, sailed for a 100 years to find a little port town by the name of Gothenburg. When walking through the town, he heard a sound so fucking shit he just had to see where this noise was coming from. There under the bridge of Älvsborgsbron he found a band, Death Chapel.

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Erik Gustafsson

Born in a goat family, he was first introduced to society at the age of 6 when he was put to a trial of blood. After being accepted into society he could not understand their way of doing things, which ultimately led to Erik being diagnosed as insane after he was caught screaming at people. Whilst jerking off Erik got a vision for a great band and then chose to escape the asylum. On the streets he found a homeless man by the name of Sode, together they formed the band [REDACTED] which fucking sucked. After the summer of 2021 they two homeless men teamed up with a local drug addict by the name of Isaac. Shortly thereafter the infamous Gabriel Sepulveda joined, sparking the beginning of the death chapel.

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Gabriel Sepulveda

Gabriel Sepulveda was born on a cold, dark winter night in July. After running away from Chile, escaping the great Mexican plague, he made it to Sweden. But being an outcast surely took its toll and Gabriel soon ended up on the streets. But when hearing the electric banana band for the first time whilst on 10 tabs of acid, he got inspired to start playing guitar. After that he was hooked, he met the lead singer in the local satanic church and was then introduced to the band Death Chapel.

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Sode Timmerås

Sode Timmerås was born in a biltema during the great biltema korv shortage of 05. There he met the hobo goat called Erik. The trying times led them to starting the band [REDACTED], which later became Death Chapel. But as the years passed Sode became increasingly disappointed in the childish behavior of his bandmates, to the point where he decided to leave his home Biltema and become a hobo under Älvsborgbron to get some peace and quiet. Despite this he still brings his sicc beats to the band.

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Leon Olsbo

Leon was born in the forest of a monkey family. After being discarded from the flock for being too retarded, he found himself wandering off into the wild. Leon raised himself and was completely isolated during the majority of his life, when he was discovered by the humans they took him in and locked him up. But after years of captivity Leon finally broke loose, running away to live with the homeless. There he found death chapel, and fell in love.

Contact information:

Email: deathchapel666 at gmail.com

Or feel free to DM us on instagram, we might reply.